Design Name : Harjuno Manah Original Design Form : Yogyakarta Wear For : pisowanan ceremony, giving on to king in palace Design Mean : someone wearing this design, if he/she has pretension, that will achieve it
Category Archives: Batik Design and Philosophy.
Design Name : Grompol Original Design Form : Yogyakarta Wear For : Mother of wife, when siraman ceremony Design Mean : grompol means bunch up/assemble/united, when someone wear grompol design so expect everything (united) of goodness will get easy to her
Design Name : Grageh Waluh Original Design Form : Yogyakarta Wear For : Free Style, it can use any time, Design Mean : someone wearing this design that is have asipire and direction of live
Design Name : Cuwiri Original Design Form : Yogyakarta Wear For : Carring baby, Mitoni Ceremony Design Mean : cuwiri = small design/characteristic, when someone wearing this design that is serve one’s purpose (harmonious)
Design Name : Cakar Ayam (Chicken Claw) Original Design Form : Yogyakarta Wear For : – Siraman Ceremony – Mitono Ceremony – for parent in Tarub Ceremony Design Mean : After married and got son, they can stand alone of live
Wearing for : women in Mitoni Ceremony, women has pregnant for 7 month, and first pregnant philosophy : women wearing the design will always happiness
Design Name : Truntum Original Design Form : Surakarta Palace Wear For : Parent in Ceremony of Wedding Design Mean : Parent give guidance when their son has married
Design Name : Parang Kusumo Original Design Form : Solo Wear For : Fiancee in engagement ceremony Design Mean : Happiness
Design Name : Sido Wirasat Original Design Form : Solo Wear For : Parent in Ceremony of Wedding Design Mean : Parent give advisory in wedding ceremony
Design Name : Sido Mukti Original Design Form : Solo Wear For : man or girl in wedding party Design Mean : Happiness and prosperous