Tag: batik tools

Batik Tools

Although the art form of batik is very intricate, the tools that are used are still very simple. The canting, believed to be a purely Javanese invention, is a small thin wall spouted copper container (sometimes called a wax pen) that is connected to a short bamboo handle. Normally it is approximately 11 cm. in length. The copper container is filled with melted wax and the artisan then uses the canting to draw the design on the cloth. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... [frame src=”https://batiksfabric.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/cantingdetail.jpg” link=”” target=”_self” title=”Canting” alt=”Canting” align=”none” prettyphoto=”false”]Canting have different sizes of spouts (numbered to correspond to ... Read more

Batik in Majapahit Kingdom Period

[frame src=”https://batiksfabric.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gajahmada.jpg” link=”” target=”_self” alt=”gajahmada” align=”right” prettyphoto=”false”]Batik -which has been a culture in Majapahit- could be found at Mojokerto and Tulungagung. Mojokerto was a region related to Majapahit. At Tulungagung, we could find many heritages and stories. Once upon a time, it happen the fight between Majapahit and the ruler of Tulungagung, Adipati Karanglewas. He was murdered at that fight. As a result, the region was occupied by Majapahit and it brought batik culture in this region. Nowadays, batik regions in Mojokaerto are Kwali, Mojosari, Betero, Sidomulyo and Jombang. In the end of 19th centuries, there were some batik makers ... Read more

Batik History

[frame src=”https://batiksfabric.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/BajangRatuTemple.jpg” link=”” target=”_self” alt=”EnteranceofMajapahitKingdom” align=”right” prettyphoto=”false”]It has a close relation with Majapahit Kingdom development and Islamic spreading in java. In many cases, most of batik development occurred in Mataram period, Solo and Yogyakarta Kingdom. Therefore, it has been known since the period of Majapahit Kingdom and it keep on improving for the next kings. Meanwhile, in the end of 18th centuries or in the beginning of 19th centuries, batik has been dominated by Indonesian people, especially by Javanese. In the beginning of 20th centuries, they produced handwritten batik while stamp batik had just been known in 1920. Related to ... Read more