All About Papua Batik

Batik is one of the genuine wealth of Indonesia that is not owned by any other country. UNESCO has also even batik fabrics as one of world cultural heritage of Indonesia origin. In Indonesia alone, there are so many motifs that are scattered in various areas in the country. And each has a different motif.
Of course the types of batik familiar in the ears of society is derived from Pekalongan batik, Solo, Yogyakarta, Banyumas and Cirebon. Most societies assume only areas on the island of Java alone that has the characteristic batik. It turns out not so, many other areas in Indonesia which also has its own type of batik. One is a batik Papua.
The uniqueness of the motif batik Papua is not synonymous with batik motifs of Javanese origin. Batik motif on Papua more telling about the history in the past. Motifs in batik cloth Papua inspired from paintings on the walls of caves, fossil, artifacts and other objects ancient relics that have a very high historical value. The creative hands of craftsmen in New Guinea, with a motif of batik batik called Papua. Batik is one of the genuine wealth of Indonesia that is not owned by any other country. UNESCO has also even batik as one of world cultural heritage of Indonesia origin. In Indonesia alone, there are so many motifs that are scattered in various areas in the country. And each has a different motif.
Of course the types of batik fabrics familiar in the ears of society is derived from Pekalongan batik, Solo, Yogyakarta, Banyumas and Cirebon. Most societies assume only areas on the island of Java alone that has the characteristic batik. It turns out not so, many other areas in Indonesia which also has its own type of batik. One is a batik Papua.
Prestige batik Papua is indeed not so famous compared with original Solo batik or Pekalongan batik. But lately batik Papua have started a lot of interest by buyers from within or abroad
The uniqueness of the motif batik Papua is not synonymous with batik motifs of Javanese origin. Batik motif on Papua more telling about the history in the past. Motifs in batik cloth Papua inspired from paintings on the walls of caves, fossil, artifacts and other objects ancient relics that have a very high historical value. The creative hands of craftsmen in papua, with a motif of batik called Papua. When compared to other area of motifs in batik of Java, Papua had a pretty striking motif difference that is likely to have darker colors and motifs of papua formed many distinctive sculpture picture consists of Papua also use sacred symbols in the form of carvings
Papua Batik motif consists of 
batik motif of Comoros, batik Comorian depicts a picture of a statue of was standing
batik motif of asmat, batik Central asmat statue depicts a sitting
batik motif of sentani more focus into the circular flow image
batik motif of paradise bird (cendrawasih Bird), bird-filled with pictures of the bird.
process of batik in Papua are divided into two, namely the women working on Writing batik and man working on batik cap/stamp. Batik fabric used for making Batik Papua use a cotton cloth and silk. The production sold more cotton material uses, because the weather was hot enough in Papua. In terms of coloration at first using natural dyes from Areca Nut who then shifted to the dye synthesis due to its rapid production demand. There are some Batik cloth Papua that is still produced on the island of Java and then sold in Papua. Most likely it was done to reduce the production cost